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The Wrong Side of Magic by Janette Rallison


Welcome to the book tour for “The Wrong Side of Magic” by Janette Rallison. Below you’ll find my review of this fun fantasy book; An excerpt from the book to give you a little taste; Top Ten things about my favorite author Janette Rallison.


About the Book:

“Hudson Brown stopped believing in magic long ago. That is, until the day he is whisked away to the magical land of Logos by a curious compass given to him by his off-beat neighbor, Charlotte.

Hudson discovers that Logos is a land ruled by words, thoughts, and memories. A fairy might ferry you across the river for the price of one memory. But be sure to look out for snarky unicorns, as they will see through those who are not pure of heart.

Not understanding the many rules of Logos, Hudson is quickly saddled with a troll curse. Charlotte, who, along with her father, was banished from Logos, can help get rid of the curs
e–but only if he agrees to find the lost Princess of Logos in return.”


What a fun read. Janette Rallison’s stories always have humor and wit. The word play in the book is beyond great. I don’t usually read middle grade fantasy but this one is enjoyable for all ages.

*I received a copy of the book from Loving The Book in exchange for an honest review

The Wrong Side of Magic


Hudson heard another low, rumbling noise, this time directly over his shoulder. He wouldn’t become troll dinner without a fight. He spun around, swinging his arm as he did. His fist didn’t connect with anything. The noise hadn’t been a troll. Two unicorns stood on the path behind him, their heads lifted too high to be hit by the arc of his swing. Hudson let out another startled scream. He was getting quite good at those. He put his hand to his chest and sat back down on the ground, too relieved and surprised to speak.

One unicorn was a gray color— not the gray of rocks or dirty sidewalks. It was the soft gray of morning mist. The other unicorn was the tawny brown of glistening honey. The gray unicorn took a step back and turned to the unicorn beside him.

“Did you see that, Nigel? That human tried to strike me.”

“Most uncivil,” the tawny unicorn agreed. Both spoke with a sort of British- sounding accent.

Hudson got to his feet, gaping at them. “You can talk?”

The gray unicorn tossed his mane, warily keeping an eye on Hudson. He still spoke only to the other unicorn. “What sort of incantation do you suppose the boy was performing on the road a moment ago?”

The tawny unicorn leaned his head toward his companion. “I don’t think that was an incantation. It sounded distinctly like cursing to me.”

“He was cursing the road?” the gray unicorn asked. “Most barbaric.”

“You don’t understand,” Hudson said, still so surprised that it was hard to think straight. He held up the compass for them to see. “I accidentally flipped the knob off the compass because, well, I heard you grunting and I thought you were going to eat me or something—”

The unicorns let out a simultaneous “Hmmph!” and turned back toward each other. In a lowered voice, the tawny unicorn said, “All those who vote that the human boy is impure of heart, raise their horn.” The gray unicorn immediately raised his head so his horn stood straight up. The tawny unicorn lifted his head, as well. “Impure it is, then.”

They trotted around Hudson, noses twitching. It was only when the unicorns declared Hudson to be impure that he remembered Bonnie’s insistence that unicorns helped travelers who were pure in heart.

“Wait!” Hudson turned and walked after them. “I’ve got a pure heart. Really, I do!” He hurried to catch up. He had to convince them that he was good. Otherwise, he had no idea how to get home.

The unicorns didn’t stop. As they continued down the path, the gray one glanced over his shoulder. “It’s following us now.”

“Don’t make eye contact with it, Cecil. That just encourages them.”

At that, the unicorns went from trot to canter. Hudson ran, plodding uselessly after them. “Come back!” he called. “I’m pure!” They swished their tails to shoo him off and galloped away, disappearing as they went around a twist in the path.

About the Author:


Janette Rallison/ CJ Hill writes books because writing is much more fun than cleaning bathrooms. Her avoidance of housework has led her to writing 26 novels that have sold over 1,000,000 print copies and have been on many reading and state lists. Her books are fantasy, sci­fi, and romantic comedy because hey, there is enough angst in real life, but there’s a drastic shortage of humor, romance and hot guys who fight dragons. She lives in Arizona with her husband, kids, and enough cats to classify her as eccentric.

Top Ten List:

Top Ten Facts about Janette

1) She writes books instead of doing housework. (This is only fun if you’re the one ignoring the dishes.)

2) She has five kids and is still (mostly) sane.

3) Her favorite book as a child was The Phantom Tollbooth. It’s the reason she wrote The Wrong Side of Magic. She wanted to do a book with fun word play and fantasy characters

4) She had a crush on Richard Hatch (Apollo from Battlestar Galactica) and so if she’s describing a brown-haired hero in one of her romance novels. yeah, it’s probably him.


5) She can’t say no to a stray cat, if the ones residing in her back yard are any indication

6) Double-jointed elbows

7) Has a collection of dolls, teacups, and china–proving that her inner child is a Victorian old lady

8) Has seen every version of Pride and Prejudice ever filmed. (The full-length BBC one is the best.)

9) Was born on her grandmother’s birthday.

10) Is the mother of the Odd1sOut creator

Rafflecopter Giveaway:

Click here for the Rafflecopter giveaway

Connect with the author:

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/184987.Janette_Rallison

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_ebooks_1?ie=UTF8&text=Janette+Rallison&search-alias=digital-text&field-author=Janette+Rallison&sort=relevancerank

Website: http://www.janetterallison.com/

Buy the book here:

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/d/Books/Wrong-Side-Magic-Janette-Rallison/1250074282/

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25688984-the-wrong-side-of-magic

Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/d/Books/Wrong-Side-Magic-Janette-Rallison/1250074282/

Amazon Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/d/Books/Wrong-Side-Magic-Janette-Rallison/1250074282/

Amazon Australia: https://www.amazon.com.au/Wrong-Side-Magic-Janette-Rallison/dp/B01BBXYAR8/

Book Tour Facebook Event page:


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The Chemist by Stephenie Meyer

Man! Talk about hitting it out of the park… Stephenie Meyer’s new novel is action packed. It’s Jason Bourne meets Alias.

Alex is the girl version of Jason Bourne.  She worked as an interrogator (a.k.a. torturer or as some like to call her “poison woman”) for the department, an unnamed government agency specializing in stopping terrorism.  She’s been on the run for 3 years since her co-worker and mentor was killed in a freak lab accident or so they claim. “The department” offers her a job and a chance to stop running. With her special skills she can prevent the next big terrorist attack on America. Alex has to decide if she can trust the very people that once wanted her dead.

The story feels so realistic and detailed; I imagine Stephenie went undercover to learn about the dark and sinister world of an agent.  When military-style dogs become a big part of the story I love it and cringe at the same time as my heartstrings are pulled. There are so many great characters, some are hate-able and others are lovable. With all the twists and turns along the way, you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Well done. Fickle Fish will have to turn this into a movie.

You can buy the book now at: https://www.amazon.com/Chemist-Stephenie-Meyer/dp/0316387835/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

Tonight I’m going to the Changing Hands Bookstore event with Stephenie Meyer and Rainbow Rowell. I’M SO EXCITED!


If you don’t live in Arizona and you can’t make it, you can watch it online. https://www.facebook.com/littlebrownandcompany

SPOILER ALERT! Don’t look at my casting ideas below unless you’ve read the book.

First of all, the most important role is Einstein, the military trained dog who steals the show. Tom Hardy could play both Daniel and Kevin since he’s done the whole twin thing before. Tom also likes dogs so he’d be a perfect Kevin. OR Logan Marshall Green, who looks a lot like Tom, could play Daniel.(Logan in real life is a twin but unfortunately his twin isn’t an actor.) Alex can be played by Charlotte Riley who is married to Tom Hardy in real life and she’d be absolutely great. Tom and Charlotte were brilliant as Heathcliff and Catherine in Wuthering Heights, so they already have great chemistry (no pun intended.) What do you think? It’s a movie I’m looking forward to seeing, Fickle Fish get it done.

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#IloveHistoricalRomance giveaway ends Sept 30th!



My favorite author Joyce DiPastena is giving away some awesome prizes for anyone who posts a picture of themselves with any of her books. I’m a little late to the party since the contest ends September 30th at midnight EST, but better late than ever, right?

I’ve read all of Joyce’s books but I can only seem to find 4 of them right now. If you love Historical Romance like I do, you’ll want to read all and any of Joyce’s novels. Plus, if you hurry and take a picture with her books you too have a chance to win some great prizes.

Visit her website for all the rules and enter to win. http://jdp-news.blogspot.com/2016/09/ilovehistoricalromance-giveaway_6.html#.V-w2W_ArLIV




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My read-a-thon with Sierra St. James

The great thing about MY Janette Rallison read-a-thon is I get to read all different kinds of genres. With a Janette Rallison novel you can read funny, YA, MG, clean romances; With C.J. Hill you’ll read YA, Action, Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Paranormal; With Sierra St. James you can read LDS fiction with sweet romances. I love them all and find them very entertaining.

Here’s my reviews for two Sierra St. James novels:

What the Doctor Ordered


Ellie is only planning on spending a couple weeks at her Aunt Bertie’s house in Idaho. She just needs to prove to her parents that her Aunt is not crazy and doesn’t need to be put in a nursing home. Her Aunt still has her Christmas tree up in the summer and Ellie knows it’s going to take a lot to cover up her Aunt’s eccentric behavior. Aunt Bertie is determined to set Ellie up with the new Doctor in her ward. Dr. John Flynn is recently divorced and doesn’t want a woman who’s only looking for a rich doctor. Ellie and John get off on the wrong foot from the get go. Ellie wants to avoid John all together but with her Aunt’s failing health she keeps meeting up with him at the ER. When he assigns himself to be their home-teacher she really can’t avoid him. This is a fun read with romance and good laughs at the joys of dysfunctional families.


Trails of the Heart


Jamie is putting herself through college by cleaning houses. She starts cleaning for Mrs. Walden, a grumpy rich lady who claims she can hear when Jamie doesn’t get all the dust off her priceless artifacts. Jamie tries to be Christ-like but Mrs. Walden is so cantankerous. Jamie wants to quit but decides to stay after work and get to know Mrs. Walden better. They discuss religion and Jamie explains her beliefs on alcohol and how it’s bad for people. She suggests that Mrs. Walden do something different with her vineyards, like plant carrots. Mrs. Walden scoffs at this. Jamie learns that Mrs. Walden passed away and she attends her funeral out of respect. Bombarded by a lawyer and Mrs. Walden’s family she learns that Mrs. Walden changed her will and Jamie inherits the vineyard. Of course the family is upset because Mrs. Walden’s son and grandson have been running the family vineyard business for years. They think she was senile at the end but Jamie thinks Mrs. Walden actually had a change of heart. Her grandson Clay takes it upon himself to try to sway Jamie into giving them back the vineyard and not turn it into some charity. Clay and Jamie are from two different worlds but something pulls them together. It’s a great story of opposites attract. I love reading it again and again.


Unfortunately, my read-a-thon is coming to an end. I’ve read all of Janette’s book under all the different pen names. (I might have missed a couple novellas.) For my final book in my read-a-thon I’m rereading “The Girl Who Heard Demons” which came out in March this year.

book cover

Here’s a link to my review and the book which is only .99 cents for Amazon Kindle right now. It is so worth the read!



Janette is always writing amazing stories and so I’ll have more to add to my list soon. Here’s a middle grade fantasy coming out next month:

The Wrong Side of Magic

The Wrong Side of Magic coming out August 23, 2016 

The Phantom Tollbooth gets a modern-day spin in this magical middle grade fantasy filled with adventure and humor that will whisk readers away!

Preorder it at: https://www.amazon.com/Wrong-Side-Magic-Janette-Rallison/dp/1250074282?ie=UTF8&ref_=asap_bc

If you live nearby Tempe, AZ you can go to the book signing on:

August 23rd 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm  at Changing Hands Bookstore 6428 S McClintock Dr. Tempe, AZ 85283 United States + Google Map

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My summer trips


A must see in VEGAS is the Bellagio fountain show and the Bellagio gardens. For summer they have an underwater theme at the gardens. I love it, especially the turtles and dolphins.


I get lots of poolside reading in while I’m on vacation. I even get to work poolside. The Zenobia Book Series had a FREE  ebook promotion and BOOK BLITZ party that I attended from the RIO hotel pool. Can’t get any better than that!

In downtown Vegas at the Riviera we got to see one of its towers implode. That was intense. They are doing more in August, if you wanted to experience it.



The Riviera Tower standing

The Riviera tower is now a pile of rubble




















Virginia                                                              Bugsy

At Flamingo, we visit our favorite pelican Virginia. She has a new friend named BUGSY. He’s also a rescue bird that can no longer fly. There’s turtles, ducks, and Flamingo’s there too… but we visit the pelicans.

We drove an hour from the strip to Mt. Charleston and saw wild horses.  20160627_150905

For my birthday we went to my favorite place the dolphin habitat; We ate at the Paris hotel and watched the Bellagio fountain show. Best day ever!


After Vegas, we surprised my parents (literally) with a visit for the 4th of July in the Arizona white mountains.





loveFun family time

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We went to JAIL!


jail birdsstacy in jail


UP NEXT… more reviews from my Janette Rallison read-a-thon and Susan Branch books.


Enjoying nature while reading Susan Branch


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My C.J. Hill read-a-thon

I’ve reread the Slayers series. It’s on my top 5 favorite series. Here’s my reviews:

Slayers -The making of a mentor

“Slayers: The Making of a Mentor”

Great prequel. It gives you a better idea what motivates Dr. B into bringing the Slayers together. It is short but gives you information that you didn’t know from the Slayer series if you read them first, which I did. 

Slayers 1


I’m a believer! Dragons really do exist. Dragons may have disappeared but their return and attack on mankind is inevitable. What’s great about this book, it’s happening today right in our own town. Well, this story takes place in Washington DC but no one is safe from the return of Dragons!
Tori is a rich girl and a senators daughter. She always dreamt of dragons and obsesses over them being real. She found a Dragon camp and this summer she finally talks her parents into letting her go. She hopes it will help her figure out why she believes in dragons.
Tori quickly learns two different camps are going on… the normal geeky people who are obsessed with mystical creatures and the advance Dragon camp where they have special powers and are actually training to kill these “mystical” creatures.
Tori is attracted to the two team captains. Jesse is tall, dark, and handsome but he takes this whole save the world a little too seriously. Dirk is blonde and blue eyed and acts like a surfer. The two teams train by competing against each other and they are a very competitive. Tori is way behind in her training. Her special power is to hear what the dragons hear, which for now, until they hatch, is a heartbeat. How special is that? Tori has to figure out how she fits into the group.


Slayers 2

“Slayers – Friends and Traitors”

After the dragon summer camp is over, everyone has to return to their normal lives. Tori wants Jesse to break the rules and see her over the school year. As captain, he won’t do it and tells Tori to see other people. She’s crushed and cries on Dirk’s shoulder.
As a spy, Dirk doesn’t mind breaking the rules and sends Tori letters. Her dad’s a senator so it’s easy to track her down. They secretly start corresponding.
Tori fears the eggs have hatched— her special skill is hearing what the dragons do. Dirk’s special power is dragon-sight and he claims to see nothing. Dr. B believes Dirk. Tori makes a surprise visit to Dirk’s football game to confirm that he hasn’t seen anything. Dirk’s a major player and Tori knows it, but he seems to really like her. Unlike Jesse, Dirk wants to be with her.
When Jesse gets attacked, all the Slayers meet up to figure out how the Dragon Lord knows where they live. Everyone together is just what the Dragon Lord wants.
This is a great sequel. I’m so Team Jesse, but I’m a little Team Dirk too. He’s a bad boy but you can’t help feel sorry for him. I’m a believer now in dragons and love the way the story makes mystical creatures come to life. I can’t wait until book 3. C.J. Hill writes thrilling action scenes and romance that steals your heart.


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Zenobia – Birth of a Legend by Russ Wallace

Author Russ Wallace felt the same way when he first read a short article on Zenobia and he wondered why he never heard about her before. When he found the history books left much to be desired he decided to share her story with the world. Of course he had to fill in the gaps. Get your copy of book one while it’s free on amazon. Let us know what you think of her amazing story.

Rainne's Ramblings

Zenobia - Birth of a Legend banner


Zenobia - Birth of a Legend (Zenobia Book Series 1)In the 3rd century a girl of uncommon abilities was born in the desert wilderness of Syria. Rescued from death by her courageous mother, Zenobia masqueraded as a boy to stay alive. She grew up to become one of the toughest, deadliest women who ever lived.

Brilliant and beautiful, Zenobia carried the greatest female military mind in history. She eventually came to control the second most powerful army in the world. When her love of justice brought her into conflict with the strongest empire on earth, she set her sights on the greatest conquest of all – Rome.

This book traces Zenobia’s life from age nine to fifteen, setting the stage for her amazing rise to power. It includes the beginnings of her legend and her budding romances.

No one who reads her captivating story will ever forget Zenobia.

Amazon ~ Official Site ~



Zenobia – Birth of a…

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My Read-a-thon has taken me to the future

Yes, I’m still doing my read-a-thon. I’m now reading all C.J. Hill books. I read the time traveling series “Erasing Time” and “Echo in Time.” I love these books. It’s my 2nd time around reading them and I love them even more.


Erasing Time


What an exciting book! Identical twins, Taylor and Sheridan get abducted into the 25th century. Lots of things have changed in the future and not for the good. Echo and his dad Jeth are “wordsmiths” who study and speak the English version from the 21st century. They’re called to help the scientist figure out what went wrong by speaking to the girls. They don’t know why the time machine made a mistake and brought two teenage girls instead of the scientist they were searching for. Echo’s twin Joseph was recently killed by the evil Dakine group. They have more power and control than the government. Echo is ready to escape but his plans change as he becomes attached to Sheridan and wants to help her. Taylor who is the genius of the twins comes up with a dangerous plan to destroy the time machine, hoping to prevent anyone else from experiencing the same terrible fate of being stuck in the future. They have to do this and escape before the government erases their memory and installs a tracking device.
C.J. Hill’s word-play is spectacular. With the slang we use today the girls are able to disguise what they’re planning. It’s hilarious to see through the eyes of those in the future how ridiculous our sayings really are. The story keeps you wondering, who is bad? Who can they trust? How will they return home? It’s a must read, not only for Sci-Fi fans but those who enjoy a good love story.


Echo in Time

What a great sequel to Erasing Time! C.J. Hill is a clever writer. It’s Dystopia, Time Traveling, and Romance all wrapped up in a great adventure. The book continues with the funny slang words we use that make no sense in the future.

Spoiler Alert: If you haven’t read book one

The story continues with Taylor and Sheridan who got sucked up in a time machine to the 25th century. It’s only been a couple months since they escaped Traventon. They are living in Santa Fe. Sheridan and Joseph are in the beginnings of a developing relationship. The government in Santa Fe believes the time strainer is dangerous. Taylor and Joseph and some of Santa Fe finest military men are picked to go back and destroy the machine. The assignment is dangerous but all is going as planned until they learn everyone has their own secret mission. When Joseph uses the time machine to save his twin brother Echo it messes with time and now Sheridan never escaped from Traventon. Joseph has to save her before her mind is wiped clean. Echo is trying to help Taylor destroy the time strainer but he has his own agenda too and nothing is going smoothly. Will they be able to escape Traventon, again?

Here’s a quick scene from “Echo in Time”

“Really?” Taylor asked him. “You would try to pick me up?”

Echo tightened his grip on her waist. “Do you need me to carry you again?” Are you having trouble walking?”

“No,” she said. “Picking someone up is a twenty-first-century way of saying that, you know, you’re hitting on someone.”

Hitting on someone? Before he could ask about that, she said, “I mean, you want to hook up with them, hang out…” She must have seen the blank look on his face. “It means you’re interested and you want to date them.”

He lifted his eyebrows. “That all sounds so violent. What exactly did you do on dates in the twenty-first century?”

“Never mind,” she said. “A lot of our slang didn’t make sense, and I have no idea why we said any of it…”

Book Trailer for Echo in Time : https://youtu.be/wgeq_OTaFVE



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Spot The Station – International Space Station

I love all things Space and NASA.

I’m thrilled every time I get to see the Space Station fly over.

I get these notifications so I don’t miss it and you can too at https://spotthestation.nasa.gov/

Look at the cool widget that you can add to your website: http://www.nasa.gov/feature/new-spot-the-station-tool-expands-ground-to-space-connection



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Happily Ever After…My Read-a-thon is still coming along

My read-a-thon for all Janette Rallison books is coming along. I was a little slower at reading because I went out of town to a small family get together in New Mexico.

New Mexico trip April 2016

The Martin/ Scow family 


However, I did get some reading done and I finished the ‘My Fairy Godmother Series’ and I want to share my reviews:

My fairy godmother

My Fair Godmother, Book One- we’re introduced to Chrysanthemum Everstar “Chrissy”, a fairy trying to become a Fairy Godmother. Right now she’s only in-training and she’s assigned to the pathetic cases. Her sidekick Clover, a leprechaun isn’t much help and more interested in playing poker. Savannah is the first victim… or I mean case. Savannah is heartbroken over her boyfriend Hunter dumping her for her sister Jane. Jane is a senior and smart like Hunter.  When they try to make amends and set her up with Tristian she’s even more humiliated. Her pathetic ratings are through the roof. Savannah gets a visit from her fairy godmother Chrissy and receives three wishes. Savannah wants prince charming to take her to prom and Chrissy assumes she wants the Cinderella fairy-tale. Savannah finds herself back in the middle ages and fighting for her life to get back home. Janette is great at writing high school dramas and sweet romances and this book gives you plenty of it with a twist. 


My unfair godmother

My Unfair Godmother- Chrysanthemum Everstar “Chrissy” is trying to enter the Fairy Godmother University by helping Tansy with her dismal life. We instantly feel empathy for Tansy. Her parents’ divorce and her father moves from New York to Arizona of all places. To show her librarian father her displeasure for abandoning them, she stops reading books and doing well in English class. When Tansy is forced to move to Arizona her senior year of high school to live with her Dad’s “new” family, you can only imagine the amount of rebellion Tansy felt. (I mean who wouldn’t in those circumstances.) Of course she meets the bad boy of the small town Bo, who rides a motorcycle. She jumps right into a relationship, much to her father’s dismay. Tansy gets in trouble with the law and thinks life couldn’t get any worse, until a Leprechaun named Clover appears along with her Fairy Godmother Chrissy and she’s granted three wishes. Three wishes should be a good thing, right? Nope. When the town is overrun by Robin Hood and the Merry Men, Tansy has to make things right. Just when things couldn’t get any worse for Tansy, her whole family is thrown into the Middle-Ages and they enter the fable of Rumpelstiltskin. Tansy has to escape the castle to avoid marrying King John and gets help from one of the King’s guards, Hudson, another victim of Chrissy and Clover’s mistakes. Tansy struggles to find the moral of her story so they can all return back home before being killed.

Happily Ever After in fairy tales takes on a new meaning after reading “My Unfair Godmother.”  The story gives us the behind-the-scenes of fairy tales. The humor throughout this story makes it an enjoyable read. 


My fairyly dangerous godmother

My Fairly Dangerous Godmother, Book Three- Chrissy Everstar and her assistant the leprechaun Clover are at it again. Sadie wants to be a famous singer. She made a fool of herself on TV trying out for a talent show in front of her idol Jason. This gets her on the list of pathetic humans who need help. When Sadie wishes to have a beautiful singing voice she’s sent to the Little Mermaid story. (which did you know there is a not-so-happy-ending version out there? I didn’t.) Sadie’s next wish sends her to the fairy-tale, The Dancing Princesses. I wasn’t familiar with The Dancing Princesses fairy-tale either. Even with all the things going wrong there’s a comic relief in the story. Sadie learns that her idol Jason isn’t a very good prince charming.  Donovan is also in the fairy-tale sent by his own Fairy Godmother. They have to survive an evil fairy queen and escape this fantasy world. The moral of the story is… be careful what you wish for, especial if you have a not-so-great-fairy-godmother; Or…maybe the moral is, life isn’t so bad when you look at it from a different point of view.


Janette does a great job on this whole series making fairy-tales seem real. It’s a must read for all who enjoy a happily ever after tale.



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